Saturday, February 5, 2011

Week 5. Year 2011.

No, I did not forget about this blog...

Nor was I abducted by aliens...

I was only buried under all the workload the University can throw at at us in one week...

Week started off as usual... the same old Algebra, Calc & Stats... the same assignments...

Job apps in this week dropped down to 7... at the rate they are going, I only hope that the postings that will appear on 26th February are of some worth...

Thursday evening had in store for us the Stats midterm... which did not go as smoothly as it should have been... Luckily, everyone was of the same opinion about the paper... so not much should go wrong there...

After the midterm, had Larry Smith's class... poor guy was sick, but despite that, he presented an excellent lecture for more than 2 hours, before claiming his respiratory function as about to fail... The lecture was awesome, and more interesting than usual, since it discussed economics before, during and immediately after the World Wars...

Have a crazy CS assignment this week... done 3 questions out of 5... the rest... adjourned till Monday...

Speaking of Monday, Algebra midterm... all about vectors and matrices...

A random photo I took last week:

Until the next post, then... (whenever that may be...)

Good Night (or Day)...

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