Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Snowman in the Freezer and other tales...

Naming my post today, I was suddenly flung back into the past, where I was still and avid reader, and used to finish reading Enid Blyton books with a couple of hours of buying them...

Weather was different... temperature was nice and bearable, though had quite some rain, much of it what they call here the "freezing rain"... Good weather...

Normal, tiring day, which is now becoming usual... Boring CS lecture... started working on my CS program midway to avoid a sudden nap... One of these days, I am going to discover a piece of code while doing the assignment and whoop loudly in class... just to make things a bit more exciting...

Spent some time completing stats... Had fun navigating my way around the 6th floor of MC... crazy maze-like layout and few maps, if any... rooms built within rooms... Now I know why all the actuaries and statisticians are half-crazy... all their offices are up there on the 6th floor...

Went grocery shopping in the afternoon. Temperature rise meant that every place had turned into a quagmire of frozen mud and slush... Anyways, got home, opened the freezer to put in my stuff... saw this:

The One-Eyed, Nose-less Snow-Dude, Guarding the Freezer...

Apparently a parting gift from two of my room-mates, who have graduated, and are no longer in Waterloo on a permanent basis...

A few more photos...

Needles Hall, UW's admin division

MC - Mathie HQ - Waiting for class...


Tim Hortons... the donut's not bad... but Dunkin Donuts still RULZ!!!
Tim Hortons and BlackBerry... Two of Canada's brands...

Hope you enjoyed the pics!

That's it for today....

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